Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

3 tips on how to successfully transition to IPv6

transition to IPv6

With the current exhaustion of IPv4 addresses as a consequence of the exponential growth in devices connected to the internet’s networks, an increasing number of businesses have been facing problems in facilitating growth ambitions. In order to scale up and keep networks running appropriately, sufficient network systems are essential. However, the lack of available IPv4 address space poses a problem to any company willing to realize innovation and growth. Fortunately there are a number of ways to bridge the gap and transition from IPv4 to IPv6 addresses without compromising current processes. Here are a few tips on how to initiate your transition to IPv6 networks.  

1. Use transition tunnel technologies 

The need to transition to IPv6 at some point is inevitable, however, you may face a period where traditional IPv4 and new IPv6 networks exist alongside each other within your company. This poses problems with data transfer as one network is unable to send or receive data sets from the other. In order to still transfer data successfully from one network to the other, particular transition technologies can be used. Such technologies allow IPv6 data packages to be converted into readable sets to travel over the IPv4 network. The technology then facilitates a bridge or tunnel between both networks allowing data sets to transfer to and from existing IPv4 and Ipv6 networks. In order to be routed through the alternative network, transition technologies convert data into either IPv6 or IPv4 packages, depending on the destination network, in order to be used by devices on a given network. 

Depending on the current network infrastructure within a company, transition technologies will either function as a transitioning tunnel between IPv4 and IPv6 networks or as a gateway between two IPv6 networks separated by an IPv4 network to compensate for the lack of common protocol. 

2. Use a dual stack 

Whereas transition tunnel technologies are effective in keeping networks running, they don’t offer a permanent solution to IPv4 shortage. In order to transition from IPv4 to IPv6 entirely without affecting existing processes, a dual stack can be used. The newest operating systems support both Ipv4 and Ipv6 installed together, hence dual stack. These operating systems will initially use IPv6 address space before IPv4 and only turn to the latter when IPv6 is unavailable. Routers within the dual stack network can be configured with both internet protocols, allowing for seamless transfer of data between one protocol to the other. This method allows for a gradual transition to IPv6 without compromising any critical networks or processes. 

3. Lease IPv4 address space to bridge the gap

Despite both options offering long-term relief, the transition from IPv4 addresses to Ipv6 address space isn’t a matter of days; instead, acquiring the appropriate internet protocol addresses requires a significant change in network technology. Yet until the necessary IPv6 space is available, companies remain dependent on IPv4 addresses. Buying an IPv4 block for the remainder of this old approach comes with a risk as the transfer market may fluctuate to your disadvantage. Selling your IPv4 addresses after a successful transition might thus leave you with a loss. Leasing Ipv4 addresses is a safe and effective alternative to buying the required IPv4 address space. Through IP brokers such as, any company is able to lease IPv4 blocks and end the lease agreement when the transition to IPv6 has been realized. This way, you won’t face the risk of investing in temporary IPv4 addresses without the security of selling them against beneficial rates upon completing the transition. 

Choose whatever fits your current infrastructure 

The transition from IPv4 to Ipv6 is a pressing matter to any business looking to embrace innovation and seeking future growth. Fortunately the above transition methods offer ways to initiate the transition without damaging current approaches. In practice, the right choice in transitioning is often a combination of transition technologies and methods that best fit your current infrastructure. You may want to try a dual stack while still acquiring temporary IPv4 address space through IPv4 lease. Whatever fits your company best.

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