Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Building the intranet mail server: VPS or dedicated?

Every company wants to keep their ducks (OK, events, and projects) secret until the final release. Data security takes the first place when the board of directors announces the initiative to introduce the mail server. It needs the correctness of the actions to avoid all possible risks. So what’s better to choose: a VPS server or private equipment?

The main threats to the Intranet

That corporate network must be up to date to deal with these hazards.

  • Human factor. Employers often copy the data from external sources. A hard disk is half of the evil if the system admin is a true professional. But sometimes the employer wants to take the work home or elsewhere. It’s a leak of data.
  •  Infection. The first problem causes the next one – an external infection. Some people are inattentive to security and open spam. As a result, the Intranet suffers from the virus activity aiming to block the office activity or steal confidential information about business projects and customers.
  • External server vulnerability. Some companies build their corporate internal exchange via international cloud services. That’s OK and gives some flexibility to the employers or allows them to find remote colleagues around the world. But the other side is that the government or hackers can access all information and destroy all plans.

The must-have options of the cipher mail server

The server used for communication between colleagues must be separate from the system used to handle the official information and questions from the customers. It needs updated cipher methods to restrict access to the internal operations. The challenge here is to defend the content from copying.

The confident mail exchange starts with letter composing. It must be clear and has a business style. The server’s security system scans the message and erases any delivery if it doesn’t proceed with the installed filters. This feature protects the team from blackmail and disciplines the employers: personal activities must happen outside the office. Nobody prohibits private talks but using Gmail, for example.

There must be self-destructible folders. They remove the outdated messages helping to clear the mess in the code as each send dwells there. The trash bin may be for manual management, or the user can establish the deadline during the preparation process. The system deletes it automatically. This option pairs with some restrictions, including blocking forwarding and/or copying and printing. If an intruder tries to get confidential information, it’ll result in obtaining the same pages or blank ones due to authorization errors.

The final step is cryptography. Such a feature ciphers the exchange process. Each user gets the login and password from corporate mail, a security word, and the instructions in case of errors which are sent uniquely. It’s dynamic and updates in response to possible threats.

Choosing the right solution

This system can launch on a virtual private server or a dedicated one. It doesn’t need many resources because the message volume is limited. All messages don’t contain the full movies as attachments. Excessive files transform in the link to the company’s cloud infrastructure or are dispatched another way. So the graphic card isn’t compulsory here. All required calculations for graphics take the employer’s working machine.

A small number of daily users is a reason to buy a vps server. But its efficiency falls if the company starts to rise permanently. Remember that the virtual machine serves several customers united by the equipment. The hypervisor controls the resources and allocates them according to the demands. Suppose you take the complete server and share it between mail and storage options. In reality, nobody knows who owns the second part of the equipment. Their impact on hosting the VPS server is hidden.

However, the volume for the client is independent. Feel free to install the operating system and get root access to control what’s happening. Prohibited changes to the file system or limited management are the opposite side of that solution.

Thus, the encrypted corporate mail needs at least a dedicated server 1gbps. Nobody will disturb employees or threaten security. It’s more expensive but secure. The owners change the physical equipment configuration remotely and fully access the server’s heart. It’s attractive for big companies that value their mail privacy.


Finally, the choice depends on the various parameters. VPS server is cheaper and is efficient for small offices with little traffic. The more prominent companies need dedicated equipment as its functionality covers that expense.

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