Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Difference Between Java and JavaScript- Which can be Your Better Choice

Java and JavaScript

As a programmer or non-tech user, you’ll find yourself making a lot of choices. Which programming language should we use? Are both programming languages the same? What is the difference between them? Is JavaScript better than Java? Of all these questions, choosing the best programming language remains the most crucial.

It can be uneasy, though, because some people assume that Java and JavaScript are somehow related. Although both have overlapping features and each has strengths over the other. JavaScript is best for client-side development, while Java suits server-side development. Still, it’s a close call between them that boils down to your plan.

In this article, we will be talking about the differences between Java and JavaScript. And which can be your better choice. So stay tuned.

Java vs JavaScript- When and who invented these programming languages?

Around 1990, Brendan Eich, a developer at Netscape, created a programming language, JavaScript.

However, Netscape and Internet Explorer were the two most dominating web browsers in the early days of the Internet.

It took ten days to invent JavaScript to instruct the computer for client-side development.

Firstly, they named this programming language LiveScript. Moreover, it got integrated directly into Navigator.

That means there is no need for plug-ins and putting together the codes. Around the same time, one more programming language starts gaining popularity.

However, it required a plug-in. When the popularity of Java caught the eyes of Netscape, they decided to change the name of their programming language from LiveScript to JavaScript.

We want to mention that JavaScript was absolutely crucial in the early days of the Internet.


If we talk about Java, it created by a team named Green team in 1991. The Green team was a group of Sun Microsystem engineers.

However, James Gosling invented this programming language. Compared to JavaScript, it took more than ten days to develop.

Then in 1995, Java got released to the public. Since then, several new versions of Java also got released in the market.

Nowadays, Java has become a solid option in programming languages with the saturation of the Internet.

Many applications made with the help of Java are making our day-to-day living easier.

And one more thing, currently, Oracle is having ownership of Java.

Difference between Java and JavaScript

Although many people created a fuss that both Java and JavaScript are the same.

But all these talks are irrelevant, because like we saw earlier that both invented and written by a different person.

However, each has overlapping differences with strengths over the other. Below, we will roadmap a table that will clear out all your doubts.

JavaScript Java
JavaScript does not support wide range usability. It is limited to creating interactive and engaging web pages. Java supports wide range usability including creation of desktop applications and Android applications.
The application developed by JavaScript can only run in browsers. The application developed by Java can run on both virtual machines and browsers.
JavaScript is an interpreted programming language that interpreted by a browser in the Syntax. Java is a compiling programming language that compiled into bytecode and runs on Virtual machines.
Objects of JavaScript are prototype based. Objects of Java are class based.
JavaScript required less memory compared to Java. Java is a memory-consuming programming language.
JavaScript does not support multi-threading and has an event based approach to concurrency. Java supports multi-threading and has a thread based approach to concurrency.
It is an (OSP) means object scripting programming language. Java is an (OPP) means, object oriented programming language.

Now, think this way to know the exact difference between Java and JavaScript.

We see that Java has a wide range of usability. Many programs like android apps and credit card programming are using this programming language Java.

However, Java also plays a vital role in creating desktop and web-enterprise applications.

On the other hand, talking about JavaScript, it is helpful in creating web pages more interactive.

However, you can use JavaScript as an alternative to Flash. But we want to clear out that JavaScript has more functionality than Flash.

It plays a vital role in performing neat things like creating animations in HTML.

On the other hand, we see that JavaScript suits the client-side development and Java used for user-side development.

Moreover, both require different plug-ins and coding styles. And comparing their coding style, JavaScript has all-text codes, and Java has compiled codes.

Every difference you look at in this table screams that both Java and JavaScript are worthwhile programming languages to add to your coding collection.

In fact, learning these two programming languages can be a smart move for a new programmer.

Some similarities between Java and JavaScript

Let’s have a quick look at some similarities between both JavaScript and Java.

1. Browser compatibility

Both Java and JavaScript are capable of working on almost all browsers. You can use JavaScript on many modern web browsers playing a vital role in web development.

On the other hand, you can also run Java driven Java Applets on a browser.

Still, JavaScript is more popular than JavaApplets because it causes several issues relating to compatibility and security.

2. Object-oriented programming

Both Java and JavaScript are helpful in providing codes to create objects. Better yet, both have access to various properties like polymorphism, inheritance and encapsulation.

3. Front-end development

According to statistical data, more than 90 percent of enterprises are using Java and JavaScript.

JavaScript plays a vital role in implementing as a framework for front-end development.

On the other hand, Java is also helpful for front-end development.

4. Back-end development

As a programmer, you can use Java for supporting back-end technologies like WebSphere, JBoss and Apache.

On the other hand, servers of JavaScript Node.js are also supporting back-end development.

JavaScript vs Java:- Which is better

Both Java and JavaScript are solid options for programming languages. They have both advantages and disadvantages for the programmers.

Want to know which is a better programming language?

Head over to our wins and losses list for an in-depth look at where every programming language stands, along with what are their best for criteria.

JavaScript Wins

Here, we will talk about some advantages of JavaScript.

1. Multiple computations

The best thing about JavaScript is that you can execute several tasks at the same time.

As a coder or programmer, JavaScript will help you to perform multiple tasks at the same time.

As a result, it will save your time from getting involved in irrelevant programming.

2. Client-side scripting language

JavaScript will help you to learn various client-side scripting languages like PHP and ASP.NET.

However, all the codes of JavaScript executed on the browser of the client. The best thing is that you do not need any server-side browser to access these codes.

Although the resources available on the system of the user used to process JavaScript codes on a website.

3. Programming feature

JavaScript programming language comes with a procedural programming feature that will let you make your web pages more creative.

Better yet, it has become popular in the programming language industry after creating interactive web pages.

4. Robust

JavaScript has a robust framework. However, the robust framework will make it easy for you to use codes.

Moreover, it will give you access to various features that will make your web pages more appealing.

JavaScript losses

  • Sometimes JavaScript interprets differently on the various browsers. As a result, it makes it uneasy for a programmer to write cross-browser code.
  • As we mentioned earlier, the JavaScript code executes on the user computer. That causes the exploitation of malicious purposes.

Java Wins

Below, we will go through some advantages of the Java programming language.

1. Dynamic

All the objects in Java are dynamically linked. Java is also an extensible language that supports various functions.

2. Independent of platforms

The best thing about Java is that it is a platform-independent programming language. That means it is possible to put together Java programs on different platforms.

You can compile Java programs in the bytecode, thus helping you to create programs that can run on mobiles, desktops and embedded systems.

3. Secure and Robust

Like JavaScript, Java also comes with a robust and secure framework. While the development of any applications, Java will prevent the attack of viruses.

Better yet, Java also helps in reducing and removing the risk of crashing and errors.

4. Multi-threading

Java programming comes with a multi-threading feature. That means you can perform various tasks at the same time with the help of Java.

That results in saving your time.

Java Losses

  • The memory management in Java is through garbage collection. Then the garbage collection will affect the performance of your application.
  • Java consumes more memory than JavaScript.

Some tech giants using Java and JavaScript programming languages

Walkthrough this list of some tech giants using Java and JavaScript programming languages.

  • PayPal
  • Airbnb
  • Netflix
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Uber
  • Spotify
  • Pinterest
  • Uber
  • Ebay
  • Instagram

Wrapping up

We hope you get to know the difference between Java and JavaScript after reading this article. If you are a programming student, we will recommend you to go through both Java and JavaScript. Lastly, there is no doubt that having both under one roof will lead to more productive job opportunities.

By Sambit

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