Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Uses of Extra Neutral Alcohol


If you are operating a company that requires pure alcohol as one of the ingredients, you will need to find the best supplier. Substandard alcohol may lead to the production of low-quality products. Therefore, you will need to locate the best supplier who can even customize the pure alcohol to your specifications.

Extra Neutral Alcohol Definition

Extra Neutral alcohol involves the purest version of alcohol without any impurities. Manufacturing extra neutral alcohol involves various raw materials like grains, sugarcane, and molasses. Grains usually produce neutral grain spirit, including rye, rice, corn, barley, and wheat. This spirit is typically organoleptically neutral, thus having no taste or smell. Although it can be used for various reasons, the grain-neutral spirit is mainly used as a base for alcoholic and spirit beverages. 

Extra neutral alcohol is usually purified in a repeated distillation process. Processed neutral alcohol typically consists of ethanol 96% per volume.

Industries where Extra Neutral Alcohol is Applied

  • Medical grade and pharmaceutical industry
  • Food and beverage industry
  • Cosmetics and beauty industry

Steps involved in Making neutral spirits

Step 1: Raw Material Selection

The raw materials involve various agricultural products like corn, barley, sugarcane, and wheat. The raw material readily available in a country or a region usually determines the organic material to be selected. 

Step 2: Fermentation

At this stage, yeast is added to this raw material which must contain sugar, thus being broken down into carbon dioxide and ethanol.

Step 3: Rectification and Distillation

No matter the raw material used, the fermentation process cannot produce enough alcohol concentration. Therefore, the distillation process is used to increase the ethanol concentration. On the other hand, rectification involves creating a purer solution with an increased ABV.

Uses of Extra Neutral Alcohol 

The primary use of the extra neutral alcohol is in manufacturing alcohol and spirit beverages as a base ingredient. Some of these beverages include gin, whisky, and vodka. Also, this alcohol can be used in the food industry to produce apple cider and vinegar. Likewise, pure alcohol is utilized as a solvent for flavoring. 

Another use of extra neutral alcohol is in the cosmetics industry, which is used as a cosmetics preservative. Some cosmetic products preserved using alcohol include hair spray, perfume, and lotions. On the other hand, pure alcohol is applied in the pharmaceutical sector in manufacturing various products like vaccines, antiseptics, and pharmaceutical drugs. 

Moreover, extra neutral alcohol can be used as a cleaning product or a solvent. Besides, most companies use pure alcohol to produce paint, varnish, and lacquers. In recent years, extra neutral alcohol has been used as a hand sanitizer to conquer the deadly coronavirus. Intending to prevent the spread of covid-19, alcohol-based sanitizers have also reduced the spread of other infectious diseases. 

If your company needs a distributor and a dealer of extra neutral alcohol, Salma is a perfect option. Sasma supplier entails a bulk pure alcohol supplier offering various other options. These suppliers source globally, offering various certifications and organic options.

By varsha

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