Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Why is happiness important in a relationship?


Happiness is second only to love as the most critical factor in a successful relationship. And not just for you but for your partner, too: happy people are more attractive, more desirable, and enjoy life more. Love can sometimes be blinding; it’s easy to overlook your partner’s shortcomings when you have a serious case of the warm fuzzies. So before you decide that that person is Mr. or Ms. Right, pause a moment to consider whether the two of you are genuinely compatible — and if you’re both relatively happy people, to begin with, chances are good your relationship will be a winner.

Happiness is so important in relationships that one researcher says it’s the single best predictor of divorce. “There’s no doubt in my mind that happiness is the single most important factor,” says the University of Chicago psychology professor Ed Diener, Ph.D. “It predicts divorce better than anything else we can measure.”

Scientists have suspected that happiness and relationships are somehow linked for a long time, but they haven’t known precisely how. Now it seems they do: researchers discover that it all comes down to the hormones regulating mood. The brain produces three important hormones: dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. The first two are associated with feeling good, energized, and aroused. Dopamine is associated with intense pleasure and addictive behaviors; it’s what makes you feel eager for that next beer or cigarette. Norepinephrine is the hormone of anticipation; when your level of this chemical gets high enough — say, when you see your favorite actress at an awards show — the result can be a euphoric high.

Almost everyone knows about serotonin. Otherwise known as the “happy” chemical, it’s a hormone that regulates our moods, making us feel calm and in control. But while these hormones influence your everyday moods and emotions, they can also affect how you relate to others, and your relationship.

Being happy also helps promote your good health, essential for sustaining any relationship! Happy people are more satisfied in their relationships because they are more likely to be goal-oriented, hopeful, energetic, and optimistic than less happy individuals.

What are some of the tools to be happy together?

1. To be happy with your partner, you need to understand that you don’t have to agree on everything. In fact, disagreeing can be a sign of a healthy relationship.


  1. You also need to learn how to resolve conflict and not let it get out of control. Learn to see the differences between your partner and yourself as a way of growing closer and not as a reason to pull away. 
  2. You need to learn how to compromise. 
  3. You also need to learn how to be flexible. To be happy with your partner, you need to discuss things without being defensive. Being flexible means learning to appreciate your differences and being able to compromise. 
  4. You need to learn how to listen and understand what is being said by your partner, especially when they are upset. 
  5. Learn how to compromise with each other so that you are both happy and fulfilled in your relationship together. 
  6. For a relationship to work, communication is key! In fact, it is one of the most important things that you can do in a relationship, if you want it or not!  
  7. You need to learn how to forgive each other for past mistakes to be able to move on with your lives and enjoy each other. If you don’t forgive and let go of the past, you will be held back in your relationship. 
  8. It is also good to know that you can’t change people. This is something that most people in relationships fail to realize. If you are dealing with someone in your life that is not good for you, then it is time for you to move on. 
  9. Learn how to have fun and enjoy doing things together as a couple in order to make the time go by faster. Don’t forget to smile, laugh, and have a good time with your partner when being able to do so is important! 
  10. You need to learn how to share yourself emotionally with your partner. Attending each other’s dreams and interests can go a long way toward making a relationship happy. 
  11. And finally, most importantly, you should know that love conquers all! Don’t worry if your relationship isn’t perfect because no relationship ever is!…

    Why is happiness important in a relationship? When you are happy and have a good attitude about life, it makes you more attractive to others. Unlike other factors such as looks, wealth, and social status, happiness is something that you can control. If your partner has these things but you are unhappy in the relationship, then it will likely not last long.

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